Friday, August 26, 2005

thurday, no title

i've been promising to my friend finney that i'd be on the net for the past two days. on the contrary, i wasn't. it was all due to school work. but hey!!! i'm posting another one here. actually, i don't know what to say. i hate this feeling, short term memory loss. i have been forgeting everything i had done this past few days and weeks. a surprise it is when finney made mention of my recent posts. and if you're going to check, they're just two to five days away. i want to transfer my other posts from my other blog but i thought that it would be better if they would stay there. it would be better also, if you're curious enough, to look for it yourself. it's thursday again, what does that mean. tomorrow's friday. oc night!!! yehey. i'd be seeing marissa cooper again. hehe. an über hot chick. arggghh my super crushs. (yuckee, mushy...)


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