Sunday, October 30, 2005

sembreak, yipee!

i really can't think of any good topic right now. i guess, all i have to do is to tell you how i spent the past days. monday - it was fun. i swear! it was the first time i spent the whole day with my classmates. we went to the science centrum, had our picture taken, ate together at sta. lucia ground floor, played bump car. but what i enjoyed the most was our singing at ktv. also the wait was worthy. this date i had with my classmates only shows that i'm somehow bonded with them. well, i have to confess, after seeing one of our classmates dressed to kill, i just have to give in. i really had a crush on her. i hope i will be seeing her that way. and i really really really love seeing her that way. oooohhh. guess. guess. guess. tuesday - i was thinking the whole day of what my activity should be. thanks to my hommies, i was again able to play ball. it was fun. and it gave me the opportunity to again see my former whatever you may call it. and everytime i haven't seen her, she changes. uhmm, i like her again. but you know what, i don't have any chances on getting her. what i mean is, uhhmmm, talking to her more often. and you can all blame my being very timid on her. wednesday - afternoon, i had to go to math club officer's meeting. we planned our activities well, i think. i hope they will not be all in our blueprints. but what i don't like is that the english was not there, and how can we talk about our contest? with my tone, i look like i'm the president but i'm not. thursday - i went to ust to pass my application form and it's funny that when i told the guards where i should be passing my "application form," they always had the odd look telling me "are you sure you are a high school student applying for freshman?" and i always hate that. as far as i can remember, i shaved my goatee and beard;that way, i would look little younger. i also went to my dentist. i found myself very stupid sacrificing the time spent for travelling to the comfort. i chose riding fx rather than train. i found riding train very tiring and i don't like that. i suddenly found myself regreting, sitting for two hours and watching the rain fall down. friday - benedict and i managed time so well that we were able to do what should be done. we were able to type something that has to do with his project, to take some pictures, to buy slippers for her mom, to go (again, for me) to the science centrum and do stuffs on our own. i went back to robinson's place to meet my hommies: jacob and paul. we are going to get jacob's brother at marist. but before that, paul bought the album of kiko machine. they're good and i really love their song especially about val sotto. (the song played on my mind the whole day.) and i was surprised that it was like four a years ago, jacob's dad was driving us in going to malls and now he's the one driving for us. then we ate at mcdonald's i even saw someone waiting for, what i know, a maristian. and if you knew our batch well, i know you know who she is. it was such a painful experience for me: seeing my former classmates outside the campus wearing the uniform i have been aspiring to wear when i was in grade six. i've seen a lot of my former schoolmates. and the parking lot! memories are on my head and how i envy them. saturday - nothing really special happened, except for watching the horror stories on the two big stations. i was laughing my fear off. it's the best thing i could so i would not remember them all. i had a big problem when i was a kid after viewing the halloween specials and i would always go beside my mom telling her i couldn't get some sleep. i hope this post is not boring enough. i'm sure this is not that long.


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