Sunday, November 13, 2005

bad day? maybe not

today's a different day. i woke up very early, thinking that it is a saturday. but i should be accounting it to my pathways this morning. i was prepared right away even before my ride arrived. for the past saturdays i'm riding with my aunt who got a ride, i always end up dressing up on her car. i then went to ateneo to again have our self-enhancement workshop. it was all bout stress management. and i learned that this(writing on my blog, or of any medium) is a form of taking stress away. so much for that. sadly, i also learned that one of our mentor's leaving us, for good. she was reassigned to cebu for a branch of pathways there. (from what i know, she came from cebu.) i always thought that she would be always on our side. she was with us from our start and how sad it is to know she's leaving. though i really want to tell her i'm gonna miss her, i still can't. i just wanna thank her for all the support from her. after pathways, i went right away to robinson place metro east. when i was having our exercise, i was really puzzled by the thought of going there to buy the collection of neon genesis evangelion tv series. i was visited the place to check the price and found out that one of the four dvd costs Php150.00. I have enough money with me to buy one of the dvd so that this thirst for the anime would be quenched. to my surprise, i wasn't able to buy it coz the lady told me it is sold by set, costing Php400 for the four dvds. i didn't force myself in buying the collection. i went home right away, but not frustrated. i rode a bus in going home just to check and see marikina well because the weather's fine. and on my way home, i feel contentment and the thought of saving my money instead of buying impulsively became my lunch. such a wonderful day, isn't it?


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