Friday, December 23, 2005

this girl of boredom

there was this girl of fortune. she spent all her life buying things, one could not afford one could never imagine. never in her life she was late. brand new technologies. freshest food. up-to-date belongings. a collector of men. for her beauty (thanks to extravagance) is a possession prized by many of blinded sight. armageddon. she never feared. all she got to back her up is all she had spent fortune on. time passed. it was a thing she forgot. (she) never knew how expensive it was for no individual already bought it. it destroyed her technologies. it rot away her food. it lost her belongings. it left her in the air alone. alone, she is in the dark. looking for all the things, gone they are. sarcastically, time sticks its tongue out on her. crazy she was. and people thought she was alright, and deserving of what has happened. realization went into her somewhat shattered mind. this girl of fortune was just a girl of boredom. now she lived next to me. i fear nothing of her. for i know everyone has this girl of boredom.

hangover, still on my mind

it's been a week since i had my last post. the party's still fresh in my mind.i'm having these kilig moments everytime i remember them. it's not that i had a special moment with someone very special. i have to admit that i sometimes regret it. i really enjoyed my friends company. is it really right for me to talk about this over and over and over and over again? i was just inspired by finney's post regarding the party. i just saw it hours earlier. and as you read it, he's so struck with what happened to him, and his dance with his special someone. but i think the dance with my friends is enough for me. for the past socialization parties i had attended, it was only this time that the dj played some love songs. and it was the only socialization that i danced the longest for i know i'm not really into dancing. i'm looking forward into having a graduation ball. this could be fun and sad.

i'm posting for saturday

saturday, december 17 - i went to the christmas party of pathways. our family (that means, me and my mother because the two of us are actively participating in pathways in our family) have to prepare fruit salad. unfortunately, i have to run for errands, buying big cans, and i mean BIG cans of fruit cocktails and packs of cubed ice. as we went to ateneo high school covered courts, i didn't expect that there would be so many people coming. different batches and their families were present. the host were having a game, an unfamiliar game, called bring me. they were giving away some bags from pathways and i have to admit they were nice. i wasn't able to finish the program because i have to go to a contest at sta. lucia. it was christmas on a string. i had to support my friends at school. anna, the vocalist of the pink table, also had another band called 7th fret with eman, sammy, justin,celson. i know, they played well but i think technical difficulties don't leave anna alone. every gig she plays into always had these problems. but i still believe that she's a good singer. sadly, they weren't able to bring the bacon home. (what a cliche!) there are groups who play like professional and on the other hand, 7th fret is the youngest group to play. but i know and i believe that they are the winners in my heart (here i go again)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

one of my greatest party, ever!

yesterday was and is the greatest (socialization) party i have attended. not minding the bad mobile, i had a great time dancing with my classmates though some are not really dancing. i really enjoyed dancing for junel danced with some much enthusiasm(?) and you'll find him very funny. (it's a complement.) i will never ever forget when our barkada danced for the last time. we were complete then. me, christian carlo, carlo angelo, casey, benedict, finney, andre and emong. i'll cherish that memory when we made a circle and jumped to the rhythm of the music. you could account the wonderful barkada dance to our uplifted spirits. we had a great time especially during the slow dance because i know, we had our share. this share that i'm referring to is we were able to dance someone special to us. but i have to admit, i feel incomplete and don't you bother asking me why? what is important is that we were reunited for a short span of time. then i appreciated the party more when a band named anna and the pink table played some songs. their first set was the best. they played three songs, technically. bulong by Kitchie Nadal, for their soundcheck; same ground by Kitchie; and akap by Imago. i can still remember the first set because i had a special participation for something that is unexpected. i handed out carlo's cellphone during a break in akap. it was rehearsed during the practice. unfortunately, the second was a mess and i don't have to tell the story for some reason. after the party, there would always be a post-party celebration. it was when stayed at benedict's house after the party. we (benedict, casey, andre, emong and me) went there around 12am and started talking to each other till 7 am. we did not sleep while most of our schoolmates are sleeping; except for our one and a half sleep. actually i slept for only 30 mins. i had a hard time sleeping. we left the place at around 12noon, exactly 12 hours.

Monday, December 12, 2005

i'm the winner. no i'm not!

isn't wonderful to know that some politicians can't just admit that they lost the 2004 elections? they both believe that they both won the recent elections. we can't help the. loser for all we know, filipinos cannot accept defeat. we always have this certain excuse, "they(winners) cheated us!" but i think, its root would probably, filipinos love to cheat. politicians pay some amount - and this some is not only a some - for them to win elections. players do their best to cheat to win even though at risk is our dignity. and the worst is the combination of a politician and a player. they pay some amount of money and cheat to win the hearts of some people, particularly women. i really really really hate them! they actually win first the heart. then, comes the playing part. some do it for fun and some do it for bragging about their new girl. these come out without any real intention. i hope this would all fall into end. for you are no winner!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Teacher's Day

once again, i'm writing this post at school. it's teacher's day! carlo cruz's the subsititute teacher and he's handling the computer lab. as a friend, we had this somewhat privelege. luckily, he has no class since 3:20. i'm writing this around past 5:00pm. on the other room, supposedly, my friend's band should be rehearsing. the name, by the way is pink table. it started as a joke - what i mean is the name of the band. it's from a famous joke of mine. ehehe. they're good, exceptionally good. unfortunately, some third year students interrupted. it was the same band who rejected our favor in playing at the studio they had reserved before our gig last november 25. and, my god! they left this certain smell. this smell connotes two things. they play bad and smell bad. sweat-like aroma's around the room and it escapes to the other room i'm writing this. so much for that because this might mean war to them. i hate these troubles!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Kung Wala Ka

would you believe that i'm writing this mail at school. computer lab 3? i'm with some third year students. actually, with benedict and finney and sir maglalang. i'm writing this mail on the floor and having a hard time seeing the keys. ehehe. but i still manage to write well, with few mistakes. i pause for a while... sir santos caught me. i just reasoned out that i'm looking for the roster of the women's football. actually this is why i'm hooked up in the net. i have a big crush on this player - women's football player should i say. her name's Marileo Elizabeth Montero Alley, though i'm very fond of referring to her as Alley, her surname. she's so gorgeous though i've seen her only in my friend's camera phone. also, i saw her on my lens - camera's - that is to say it clearly. since i saw her last wednesday, i had this very HUGE crush on her. and to my surroundings, i should be listening to telepono of sugarfree but i stopped for a while. (i guess for the WHOLE time i'm writing this) i went to the wrong place of listening the song. the reason benedict and finney are here is that they're practicing with sir maglalang. they've been playing Kung Wala Ka by Hale.