Saturday, December 17, 2005

one of my greatest party, ever!

yesterday was and is the greatest (socialization) party i have attended. not minding the bad mobile, i had a great time dancing with my classmates though some are not really dancing. i really enjoyed dancing for junel danced with some much enthusiasm(?) and you'll find him very funny. (it's a complement.) i will never ever forget when our barkada danced for the last time. we were complete then. me, christian carlo, carlo angelo, casey, benedict, finney, andre and emong. i'll cherish that memory when we made a circle and jumped to the rhythm of the music. you could account the wonderful barkada dance to our uplifted spirits. we had a great time especially during the slow dance because i know, we had our share. this share that i'm referring to is we were able to dance someone special to us. but i have to admit, i feel incomplete and don't you bother asking me why? what is important is that we were reunited for a short span of time. then i appreciated the party more when a band named anna and the pink table played some songs. their first set was the best. they played three songs, technically. bulong by Kitchie Nadal, for their soundcheck; same ground by Kitchie; and akap by Imago. i can still remember the first set because i had a special participation for something that is unexpected. i handed out carlo's cellphone during a break in akap. it was rehearsed during the practice. unfortunately, the second was a mess and i don't have to tell the story for some reason. after the party, there would always be a post-party celebration. it was when stayed at benedict's house after the party. we (benedict, casey, andre, emong and me) went there around 12am and started talking to each other till 7 am. we did not sleep while most of our schoolmates are sleeping; except for our one and a half sleep. actually i slept for only 30 mins. i had a hard time sleeping. we left the place at around 12noon, exactly 12 hours.


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