Tuesday, November 22, 2005

on the eve of a somewhat special day

and i'm writing on the eve of a somewhat special day. it's wonderful, to start with, that we're going to classes tomorrow wearing a different kind of "uniform". a navy blue shirt and jeans. i still don't know if we're allowed to wear slippers though i wouldn't do it. on this eve, i was able to watch the first or second episode of the oc. it was fine coz i was able to relate the ending of the first season,obviously, to the beginning to the second one. and i'm happy yet confused. i once again saw Seth Cohen(played by Adam Brody). honestly, i've been idolizing him since i began watching the oc. i really loved his character and how he wears his clothing. i think, i can somehow relate to him and his "story". confused?(yes, i saw those puzzled eyes) i'm still puzzled, too, because i don't know what cut of pants he's fond of wearing. (or maybe, you can help me in figuring it out.) after watching the oc, i ate my dinner and the fact that we're going to watch SEA Games for free, i guess, is such an honor. i suddenly found out that i'll be a part of the history. yeah, i know a bit only. i'm preparing the camera for tomorrow's activity. i'm really excited to watch women's football. (i have to admit that i have a short patience on watching football games.) somewhat special? i really don't know. you'd better not ask.


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