Monday, December 12, 2005

i'm the winner. no i'm not!

isn't wonderful to know that some politicians can't just admit that they lost the 2004 elections? they both believe that they both won the recent elections. we can't help the. loser for all we know, filipinos cannot accept defeat. we always have this certain excuse, "they(winners) cheated us!" but i think, its root would probably, filipinos love to cheat. politicians pay some amount - and this some is not only a some - for them to win elections. players do their best to cheat to win even though at risk is our dignity. and the worst is the combination of a politician and a player. they pay some amount of money and cheat to win the hearts of some people, particularly women. i really really really hate them! they actually win first the heart. then, comes the playing part. some do it for fun and some do it for bragging about their new girl. these come out without any real intention. i hope this would all fall into end. for you are no winner!


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