Wednesday, November 23, 2005

blown away shot of destiny

like i was saying yesterday, i was very exciting on what would happen this day. but at first, it was somehow ruined. when i went to the bus/jeepney stop, i suddenly found out a schoolmate of mine was wearing the usual uniform. i went back to our school to call some of my friends to make sure i was wearing the right uniform and only to find out that she was a freshie.(their not invited to watch for a resaon that i don't know) and on the school, it was weird. though we're not in the usual brown (and stupid looking) uniform, i felt awkward because i was drowned seeing all of them, including the faculty, wearing navy blue shirt. i thought at some point that i want to stand above them by wearing a different color only to realize i would look so stupid. and now i blew my shot at destiny. i really wanted to greet someone, who's celebrating today. yes, its rosette. happy birthday. and again i became so timid with this opposite sex. but i really warn you, reader, please don't make an issue about it. i really want to make friends with her, seriously. i can still remember that i'm going to watch the women's football, supposedly. and i failed. for i have to go to a studio and get along with my friends and see them play. it was fun. i promise! they made their own version of akap by imago. and i can't wait to let their "avid" fans hear it. but let me first check who these fans are. i want to do something. but in the end, i always end up hating myself for having it not done.


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