Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Teacher's Day

once again, i'm writing this post at school. it's teacher's day! carlo cruz's the subsititute teacher and he's handling the computer lab. as a friend, we had this somewhat privelege. luckily, he has no class since 3:20. i'm writing this around past 5:00pm. on the other room, supposedly, my friend's band should be rehearsing. the name, by the way is pink table. it started as a joke - what i mean is the name of the band. it's from a famous joke of mine. ehehe. they're good, exceptionally good. unfortunately, some third year students interrupted. it was the same band who rejected our favor in playing at the studio they had reserved before our gig last november 25. and, my god! they left this certain smell. this smell connotes two things. they play bad and smell bad. sweat-like aroma's around the room and it escapes to the other room i'm writing this. so much for that because this might mean war to them. i hate these troubles!


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