Friday, September 08, 2006

emong's bday

yesterday was emong's birthday bash. actually, his birthday was a week ago, september 2. it was fun seeing most of my fourth year classmates. but not to forget the others who are not from sapphire. i think that was supposed to be a reunion of sapphire.(my own assumption) anyway. because of that event, i now have a longer list of people i have seen since graduation and summer. i still don't know if i'm going to write them all here because it's pretty long. the party was held at villa PPP. what a good name! it's somewhere in vista valley. the pool was small but it's alright for a small number of people coming to celebrate. we were laughing with our hearts out because we really see emong enjoying the pool. or maybe it was just he was utilizing it to the fullest since he paid for the reservation of the place.


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