Tuesday, July 31, 2007

on being lazy

i don't know what to do today. i rested for one hour listening to the radio - a thing i'm not really used to be doing. it was only after an hour that i realized that i have to make my report for APS:china. unfortunately, i don't have the readings for some strange reasons. i photocopied all of the readings for china but when i was looking for it on my school-related things, it was not there. and now, i'm hooked up the net, obviously (stupid me). i have found an article about my report, cultural revolution, on a very reliable site - wikipedia. now i'm contented with it. i'm again too lazy to do some schoolworks. it must be because that today's tuedsay - which is equivalent to a friday.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

what a great friday to end a hell week! i only had one class yesterday which was theology 102. i knew that i don't have basketball and literature but i wasn't expecting to have a free cut on filipino. we could have stayed longer at the venue because rashmi (birthday girl - happy birthday rashmi!!! compleaƱos feliz!!!) treated us a lunch. we were rushing so we wouldn't be late for class but as we went up the stairs, our classmates told us the good news. we then found ourselves to completing my wish... to watch simpsons the movie. man, it's the one of the best animated films i have seen. i really can't remember so many funny lines 'coz i think you'd laugh at almost all of the lines. i was laughing from the start 'til the end of the movie. it's a good thing i was able to watch this because i'm still regretting that i have seen harry potter movie - waste of time and money. i just do hope simpsons the movie made someone from our group become merry and forget her problems...even just for an hour and a half. i may sound like a groupie but i just can't hide this feeling: man, i was able to ride a honda s2000! it's a really wonderful experience riding on a very very low two-seater sports car. it really catches attention especially when its top is down. i got to see the same looks when i stare at some luxurious cars. so that's the feeling... anyways, thanks to jose. i had also a wonderful time hanging out with elo's peers. they're so cool and funny. and i will never forget the time when they're connecting songs. the next time they're at our place, i'm gonna tour them with my 22" rims (pertaining to our bike... sorry ah, hindi s2000, pajero evo)

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007


thanks to jen coz she kept on uploading music on her multiply while i kept on downloading. i have almost downloaded all of her songs, specially the oc soundtracks, though i have mixes 1-5 on our computer.

very nice... very nice weekend...

i really had a wonderful time hanging out with my high school barkada and former blockmates yet still my friends last saturday. before that, i just wanna share that after weeks, i got to hang-out, too, with my high school friends. supposedly, i was going to UP alone to have my giordan's filipino book photocopied. while waiting for a ride to katipunan, i texted ben if he could accompany me to UP. fortunately, he was on his way to gateway to get a ride home. he said that he could join with me on my trip to UP. that moment, casey was also at UP but had two exams - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. after having the book photocopied, we decided to go to gateway just to kill time. he suddenly thought of inviting casey but i said he can't come because of his exams. then, we decided to text finney who, unknowingly, had the intentions of going to UP for the same reason - to photocopy a book. while waiting, ben and i ate at rodic's. man, they serve one of the tastiest and most delicious tapa in metro; it looked like corned beef, though. when finney arrived, we right away went out to gateway. from the moment ben and i got together, we had fun commenting on how people would boast of their school by telling that there are only two schools in the country - it's either (with a weird accent):
  1. UP and others
  2. Ateneo and others
  3. UA&P and others
  4. UST and others
  5. FEU and others
  6. and the list would go on 'til it mentions Don Kampupot Medical School
on our way back to UP to get the photocopied materials, rain suddenly fell. we were just in time 'coz rain really fell hard when we were on the jeepney to UP. after texting and calling casey, who was chilling at starbucks katipunan, we decided to stay there or a while and wait for the rain to stop. he also had the only means of going to UP - we would be soaking wet if we're going to walk to UP shopping center or even wait for a UP ikot jeep. staying at starbucks katipunan is a fun experience. i saw how ben's sarcastic face became disgusted - is it because of the price of the frap we ordered or just the price of the frap, or maybe both? but it's good 'coz we got to see some maligamgams - our new term. fast forward to the debut.... i really would like to thank ros for sharing a ride to chrissie's debut. i was planning to ride a cab to school where she would be picking up felix and rjude. it was good that i texted her right away that if i could be picked up around her place. after picking up rjude and fel, we went to the place, cosmo bar. it had an imitation of what red carpets would look like - for the theme was oscars. a star-studded night, perhaps. man, the service was bad. they only had five waiters who would be serving you very badly. i was served with carbonara but i still did not have any drinks. by 11pm, we went to promenade to sing our hearts out. it's a nice way of taking our stresses off. rjude sang old school songs, while felix sang rollin' with a drunken voice. there's a lot of story on that trip that i could not even remember them all. it was a wonderful day.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

in the zone

a couple is quarreling outside. from our cute little house, i could even hear what they're fighting about which is about utang. and it's funny to hear them fight as if they are the only ones on the street; as if they're voices are so low; as if they're living on our street. if i'm not mistaken,they're the couple i saw when i arrived from school - that's about past 7pm (the time now is 10:54 pm). they're hiding under the shade of a santol tree in front of our house. and i still think they're still under the tree - the darkest part of our street. i could not see them from our window but i still could hear them. this only means how silent our house is right now. i'm the only one awake right now. no tv. no irritating sound of our old tv, or even the same voice dubbed on the koreanovela my aunt used to watch. after that sentence, my grandpa suddenly woke up asking for the remote. man, i thought i could have the perfect and conducive silence for writing my third lit outer-circle paper. after a few minutes, i could turn off the tv because he'd be asleep. right now, i'm listening to some of the songs i downloaded from my friend's multiply. i like the song samson by regina spektor. actually, i listen only to three song's right now: samson by regina s.; breathe by anna nalick and brighter than sunshine. the last two songs are from the soundtrack of a lot like love. now, i've been writing a lot. i'm not really sleepy right now though i have to rest for tomorrow's 9am spanish class. seems like i'm in the zone...


Thursday, July 12, 2007

this news really freaked me out that after logging out, i went back just to post this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070711/sc_nm/australia_squid_dc a giant squid was spotted at australia

waahh... i'm having a hard time doing this supposedly easy assignment for english. i already have a (quite) approved topic. last monday, i already had the questions but they all seem to fly as propelled by tons of schoolworks. man, i also have to advance study for lit. actually, it's read act 3. but it's mr.borra's parting words which really bothered me. we have an activity on act 3; i don't have any idea on what to expect with that. it seems that i'm not really good in interpreting literature pieces. this only reminds me of my filipino paper proposal. until now, i still don't have a poet (makata). i need help!!! right now, to boost me up, i listen to sunflower day camp - a horny band, as my sister would say. horny in the sense that they have lots of brass instrument. most of their songs are not boring. the lyrics is fine and some are funny. examples of which are pano 'yan which talks about unwanted pregnancy and healthy boy.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

when everyday is sunday

"sound? what kind of sound?" i am always ready with this question when i'm pertaining to the band sound. a simple name for a band who plays complicated sounding yet soothing songs. the sound of sound may be comparable to that of kala because they both resemble the manila sound-like feel: rhythmic guitars, groovy beats and ear-catching keyboards. the vocalist seems to sing with honesty, like you get what you listen to. (aha! stupid-sounding remark. just can't explain myself) or maybe, i just wanna say that his voice is so soothing. i first got the chance to listen to them through their cover of APO's di na natuto. from this version, i got to love the song 'cause they got the closest sound to APO's song yet it has the feel of difference of the time when the song was made. i never got tired of listening to blue monsoon, the name of the album too. it has a very good introduction which would really capture you. it also has good lyrics. listening to it intently gives you a clear image of what a rainy day is. the same also goes with madaling araw. however, there are also songs which would bore you. or maybe, all you need is appreciation. "when we're through, running from the lies when we're through, swimming for the sunrise there'll be music and sound." -blue, sound

a bad 07-07-07 for me

last saturday, i attended a surprise party for a granny whom i really don't know. i was just somehow forced by my family to attend. yah, well, i attended the party freely 'cause it was at island cove, cavite. my first reason attending the party is to maybe go around the place and reminisce my first year high school field trip. unfortunately, i wasn't able to do so 'cause it was raining. too bad i didn't get the chance to play with the big chess set or go to the billiards hall where i go to video ben's ball jumping from a wrong shot. also, i attended the party so i could meet some of my distant relatives. if i'm not mistaken, the kids or the adolescents there were my third cousins. i never knew that i had cousins who play violin and a high school for the arts scholar. what i just wanna point out from that party is that i feared to experience the feeling of the celebrant's siblings. they weren't even recognized during the party - maybe during the introduction of the families per table. the celebrant's children planned on surprise party where half of her siblings who were from abroad came back to greet and be with her on her 75th birthday. her children made some very good presentations: her granddaughters playing and singing their stuffs, grandsons dancing, and local celebrities greeting her on a special avp. however, they forget to mention her siblings. they had no part in the surprise. i was assuming because of their difference in status. she had children out of the country providing her a good life whereas her siblings don't have those kind of children. from this experience, i thought that if my children would do the same thing, man, i would feel bad. or much worse, when my brothers and sisters' children would fail to include us in doing presentations like in a special event. they would just make me not part of the family - just like what the celebrants' family did.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

a product of not posting for a very long time

i was about to tell on this post that i'm really hungry, but due to some circumstances, say the line was disconnected, i'm going to tell that i'm full. few minutes ago, i was starving to hell and controlling (note, controlling and not dieting) my food intake is really difficult to deal with. i've been doing this for two weeks and it's nakakabobo because i can't indulge on the usual tempting yet evil foods. now, i'm missing burger, i mean the fatty burgers, with all the juice (or fats) coming out of the patty. speaking of patty, i'm also missing patty. patty laurel. breakfast ended two weeks ago, if i'm not mistaken. i was so lucky to have no theo during that day and i was able to watch its last episode, from start 'til the end. i was really teary when there were only a few minutes left. the good thing was they had to extend the show for 30 minutes so the hosts could bid their farewells. and now, i don't know where to catch her shows, if she still has. i just wish she could still be a court-side reporter for the ateneo blue eagles. or maybe, mtv could hire as a vj (to replace andy9). andy9, i'm really crazy over her. i just don't have the opportunity to listen to her show very often 'coz on our way to school, we're fond of listening to the daily top ten of chico and delamar. it's not that i don't like her show in the morning. but man, when i'm listening to her, i listen very intently. lovely voice, lovely face. i just wanna shoutout that transformer is one of the best robot-themed movie i have ever seen. or maybe produced since films/movies were invented. shia lebeauf's (spell-check) character, sam witwicky, is really cool. and i think he acts well and he could be a very good actor, and a comedian perhaps. and megan fox's really hot. hot like hell, man. i was really blown away when i was watching it for the first time (coz i have seen it twice, planning on third). i was holding the arm rest like there's no tomorrow and i was smiling as i saw optimus prime transform for the first time. the fight scenes, i mean the robo-fight scenes, were mind-blowing. i really have to praise the people who made that film possible. kudos to the people who made the storyboard. i used to type longer posts, but i think i can no longer do it. it could be the lack of inspiration. ahahah

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