Tuesday, July 08, 2008

the Papa

i'm really excited to leave the country for the first time. ahaha australia baby! not as a tourist though, but as a pilgrim. a pilgrim. pilgrim, not tourist. a traveler, perhaps. traveler who is seeking for the right way. ehehe but i would really like to thank my family who supported me in this trip and all the sponsors whose names shall be kept in confidentiality. anyway, keeping up with the theme of excitement, i just wanna say that i'm excited to have the chance of meeting the Pope, Pope Benedict XVI. i hope that i could get a good shot of him - hmm... something to aim for. i'm really excited to go on a pilgrim. i have always limited the concept of pilgrimage to the muslims that i never thought that Christians do pilgrimage also. ehehe. a week and a half of prayers, wow, i never thought that this will be a really cool period. i mean, we get to be enlightened... there, thank you to all. pray that i may get a safe trip and a chance to meet the Pope.

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