Monday, July 14, 2008

second day mate!

and this day partially ends my day as a traveler here in sydney. and what a good day to cap it off! i had a great experience when we went to the blue mountain. i'm sure ms. gruet mentioned it during our australian studies. it was a never ending walk. after getting off the train which we first missed on our way to the mountains, we started walking from the station to the park where we had our lunch. (we had marmalade, butter and bread for breakfast and we had the same during lunch.) and to get to the observation decks fronting the blue mountains, we had to walk for almost 30minutes. from the observation decks to the three sisters, stone formations named after a myth or vice-versa. whatever! and oh, blue mountain's at katamboo but i'm not sure if it's still in sydney. on our way home, we had the last ride of the train. and it really highlights my day. why? we had companions in the train. drunken kids. i mean they're really crazy. they drink inside the train, though it's prohibited. they also made fun of our mates from wollemi college, asking different silly questions. i really hated it. good thing that mike, dae and i did not try to meddle with the situation. even peter, who was a former cop but presently a teacher, didn't intefere with what happened. they made silly remarks. below are some of the lines: "so, you are going to penrith. are you also going to the jesus thing? the youth day thing?" "have you kissed a girl?" ben, a student and wollemi boy, said no. the girl insisted "do you want me to kiss you?" "no! my girlfriend's gonna get jealous." and the wollemi group just laughed. a wollemi kid made a joke "we have a cop here!" and the whole drunken group went to them and almost went wild. here's the scenario. some girls, part of the drunken group, are smoking when the train stops. they are drinking inside the train. they're making fun of us. a guy wearing cap even shouted inside that he is christ. that same guy, i saw him kissing another guy. is he gay? i don't know you could barely tell, coz' gay guys are really hidden here, especially that sydney's a gay capital. i also saw a guy sitting on, again, another guy's lap. the latter's even kissing the former on the neck. yuck! yuck! yuck! i was really helpless during that time. i couldn't help my friends get away from the situation because honestly, i don't want to be discriminated on my second stay here. i don't wanna have a bad impression on austalians now that i met a few mates who are really welcoming us. if dae and mike only knew, i was shivering, at first because of cold, but minutes after, i was restless because i was really afraid they would pick on us. i mean, discriminate us. arggh... anyway, i'm so full right now. just had snags (hotdogs) and the barbi (que, pronounced as ba-bee) courtesy of the wollemi kids' parents. snags are so delicious that i had four on bun. australians make snags which are really tasty. that's all mate. -arjay diƱo (shivering)

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Blogger jOrdainn said...

heyy arjay

Its Jordain from Wollemi.
How was your flight back to the Philippines?

5:35 PM

Blogger arjayd said...

it was nice.

a qantas plane from europe going to melbourne had to emergency land on our international airport. luckily, our plane didn't experience the same thing

3:04 PM


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