Wednesday, April 29, 2009

meet my toilet friend

i would like you to meet my toilet friend. her name is ma. sandra "phongki" lagat. look at her toilet-y look. ahaha she is my toilet friend coz you can (word) vomit on her without her throwing back at you. i like hanging out with her coz she would just listen to me (since she doesn't have the intellect to be at par with my intelligence.) i just had another crappy session with her that's why i now begin to tell her that she's my toilet. there's a lot of quotables from our very shitty discussion. i forgot to list all of them down but it sure made me feel a little better. i actually advice everyone to go and look for your own toilet.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009


congratulations to the Cleveland Cavaliers. nice sweep

rain (that is not korean)

many people might disagree with me but i must say that i love rainy season. most of the people are complaining about the recent constant sudden changes in weather. they say it's a hassle coz on your way to school or work or somewhere else with your summer clothing on, you'd be surprised to feel the rain starting to pour. either you have an umbrella or you have a jacket that can make you feel cool. but for me, i'm starting to like this weather. one, it's cooler if it rains something that i need coz we're deprived of an air-con unit here at home. two, it helps me save coz i don't have to buy water on my way to school. three, i love following a dripping water on the car's windshield or windows. lastly, my reflective state is at its finest every time it rains. i just wish that the philippines would experience, for a day or a month, a winter season. ehehe and since we've been talking about rain, here's another (rain-ny) video to enjoy:

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Friday, April 24, 2009

and another video's killing me...

but i'm no radio star. enjoy the perisher's bestfriend.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

i just wanted to know.

have you gone cold turkey on me?

Friday, April 03, 2009


i now have a reason why i wanna work in makati. ang gaganda ng porma ng tao. naka-corporate. ehehe.

last tuesday

last tuesday, my friends from ua&p visited our house. and they said that it was my post-birthday celebration. ehehe. it was a fun night. it was a night full of firsts. 1. my first time to invite my friends to our house. 2. their first time to reach the farther side of marikina. 3. my first time to play poker at home using real chips. 4. etc. etc. etc. i really don't know why ros and lor kept on laughing when they were on the hammock. if it's the hemp of the hammock, hmm. i should be positive with drug use. ahaha. labo? ewan. i did enjoy the time they were at home. i just wish bl and quito could have stayed longer and gio, nel, dennis, and bam were also there.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

we all need to move on..

this is old. this is new

this is new. this is old. i used to walk on our street late at night with bottles of beer. back then, they were for the old ones, 'coz either they are happy or not. carrying these bottles give me a feeling of happiness. every time that i was asked to buy a bottle or a case of beer, i get to have my kickback. i would be glad to have a candy, a really cheap one if they were poor. but if they were feeling rich, i could get my favorite chips. getting these kickbacks made me really happy that i wish they would keep on asking me to buy beer for them. i don't really know why they drink but as long as i get my chips or candies, i'd be happy - even though i have to face the consequences of what they were doing. they'd be really sleepy and down, fix the bed for them, and wait til one vomits his intestines out. right now, i'm walking on our street late at night with bottles of beer on my hand. and these bottles are mine only. i now know why they drink. they say they want to escape reality, which the beer (or drugs if worse) does for you. but why do you have to escape? can you not face reality? or shall i say, can i not face reality? i don't get kickbacks from buying beers. i save my money to buy beer. beer's like my favorite candy or chip. they give me a headache, instead of a toothache. they say one matures if one drinks (alcoholic bev). one is "brave" enough to drink the bitter taste. also, one's "kinda" responsible for himself since, i assume, what happens after drinking. i can still remember the first time i tasted beer. it was disgusting. i even said to myself that i would never drink a beverage which tastes like urine. ewww.. but look at me now, i have beer when i'm happy. i have beer when i'm depressed (do i sound like one?). i'm kinda lazy to write. if could just post what i have been thinking when i was about to buy beer. anyway, this post is about beer. beer, back then and now, for me. period.
