Sunday, July 30, 2006

a quark of china

after meeting up with krizy at robinson's place manila to fix our reporting on music, i headed up to mr.choi to eat my lunch. i ate with my aunt. of course, it was her treat. the food was great. and i ate alot, as usual(ok, my diet's far from reality!). and what i noticed is that Mr.Choi was a quark of china. too many chinese men were eating. some came in solo; some came in families; some came in pairs. and how insensitive of me just to take a notice on the decorations around the resto. everytime i see those lanterns, i really feel my being oriental. sitting on my right was a guy who looked like rico j. puno. i was making fun of him for he ate alot. more than what i'm eating. his phone was on the table and couldn't leave it. his attention was on the phone for some time until his food was served. after that, he kept on looking outside. and i realized he had a chick younger than him. ahaha. something popped out of my mind. was she a kabit? well anyway. i'd be more serious on my studies. after getting a failure on a long test on en.sci, i should be studying harder than before.

Friday, July 28, 2006

mtrcb, please

hay... why all of a sudden i had tagboard? it's a great major renovation undergone by my blog. hahaha it's pretty late. but i just had to comment on love of condor heroes. i once debated with my aunt with what was on his face really was. i thought i was prosthetics for him to look old. i was laughing at it cause it was so faked. my sister was also laughing at him, she said it look like basang hopia(wet hopia). also she said, it look like prosthetics at the time of joey de leon, so poor in quality. but no matter what i insisted on laughing about that, my aunt rebutts me with that is only a mask to protect him. then i found myself, lost to the debate when my sister backed up my aunt. aha! cooperation in the making... mtrcb should take notice of that. it gives no moral to viewers specially to children amazed at chinese men flying like hell. what if chinoys in binondo fly when selling their merchandizes or running after stealers. they'd be using magical umbrellas. (hmmm... nice scenery)

nostalgic shit

it has been two months since the classes started. and how pathetic i could be. after my nostalgic summer where all i thought of is nothing but howmy high school life was. then the hopes of seeing my batchmates anywhere was so far from reality. dramatic, but it's true. i always pass at gateway, but none i could see. i just thought that this gateway is also a gateway to seeing them. well anyway, before i ran out of time spent for surfing the net, i'll make a list of my schoolmates who i want to see and i have seen already. people i have seen already (chronological order) casey, christian, emong, finney, benedict. miguel. cave, gina, sammy, justin, eman. dane. jen-encar. ma'am Jara(blah3x) and her beloved partner, ma'am H. (do they count as schoolmates? we saw them last friday after we went to rp. see how small for marisci community rp is.) people i want to see. junel. cyril. jayzon. gian. jhonnel. (joke time group, sapphire) issa. eumir, norman, michael. (pathways friends, i haven't seen them for they didn't tell me that there'd be a g.a. two weeks ago) alvin patrick, melody, erika. (my supposed collegemates... dream on dude!) janna, erick. jam. sapphire classmates. argon classmates. ipil (hmmm...)and curie! and also, i want to pay a visit to my alma maters. maris(ci and t).

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

boring... shooting the stars out

my eyes are weary as i endlessly browse different blogs of friends: new friends and past friends. the cold wind brought by typhoon glenda easily passes through our windows, blowing me and my thoughts away into a dreamworld i once dreamed of and found worthless of returning. hopes of classes suspended are up on my head. repeatedly and for the nth time songs of the past are played which i find scratching on my ear but not on my mind. fingers are tired of writing a paper and playing solitaire during the breaks, which is my excuse for playing. i find myself scratching my head often. after a few stretching and consistent search for news, classes are suspended. my fist is raised up in the air as if i won something, as if i ever won something. rain poured down really hard for a while and suddenly stopped. glenda's not so far from me. i want to speak of something else but i have no companion, my tongue is tied and hard to speak. i won't write them either. i'd rather type how gma fared in her sona. but if that's the case, i'll keep it instead. (labo, men!) i was supposed to give a glittery thingy. but not all that glitters is gold. and again, my eyes are weary. tired they are, i guess. but not my stomach. it still craves so much. shown in the tv are food i die for. wish i could stop my saliva for a while. damn... i must be really tired.

Monday, July 24, 2006

monday rain

classes are suspended tomorrow. this is the second time that i won't be going to school on a monday. the problem is my monday-thursday classes are delayed for four meeting already. first was on a half-day. then, araw ng pasig. then suspension of classes due to typhoon florita. and now due to typhoon glenda. i thought that the typhoon's name is gloria. what's on my head is gloria's (how impolite) SONA. maybe that's why i mix up names. (why do typhoon names have to be of girls') how long will it take her to deliver her speech? will drillon act the same way, just like last year? will she receive standing ovations from the guests, representatives, senators? or how long will i be involved in politics, which i suddenly found out to be interesting but not relative to my life? i was just opened up by what the speaker at our nstp lecture said about being a maka-bayan (it's not the subject in high school, ok?) he said a lot of things about pagiging makabayan. i was loaded with so much of his philosophies but i can somehow grasp it. i kinda know what he was talking about because it was the same as finney's beliefs. the lecture series was held last wednesday and we still have to attend two more. now that the classes are suspended tomorrow, i have time to do my assignment for tuesday classes. specially in aps (asia-pacific studies). i'm having a hard time writing about republicanism. (help, anyone!) i also have to do a paragraph of process for english. lastly, a presentation for music's reporting. ahh!!! omg... i have so much to do. luckily, we skipped fr.latorre's monday quiz and christian civ's whatever activity or lecture she prepared. i really have time to rest. and do alot of hw's!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

saturday panic

last wednesday, i saw crash. it's a movie about racial discrimination in america. i like the movie. it has a good story and how the story was delivered. what is good about it is its different style. it has so many characters and almost all of them are main actors and actresses.(what a poor review) anyway, each character has his/her own story but the stories are connected to each other. it's a serious movie but ludacris's part is funny. i keep on laughing with myself everytime his part is on. i also like the story of the locksmith or whatever you may call him. it's touching. i don't want to spoil the movie but the least you could do is to buy a pirated dvd which i did. (now, my conscience's bothering me) i have so many papers to do but i can't help but surf. my definition of surfing the net: ym, mail, friendster, blog. i guess i have to start. i have to go to two of my blockmates' birthday celebrations. belated happy b-day ros and chrissie.

Monday, July 17, 2006

analysis of the game(what a poser post)

i had a very depressing experience today. why? UP lost to Ateneo. Ateneo won over UP. the real problem is that i don't know what team should i be rooting for. i love them both! ahaha UP's first game is the first UAAP game i saw (on tv). though i wasn't able to finish the game, i really can say they had an impressive game coming from the rookies of the state u. two of the rookies had great three point abilities. it was raining from the rainbow country. ahaha. also, a rookie was compared to an atenean, martin quimson. i forgot his name, but his number is 7, i think. also, nestor david had a great game. with his posting skills, he replaced (or will be replacing) the slot lost by abby santos. and a UP game would not be complete with marvelous marvin's antics. ahaha. i can remember his spin move which left, say two to three tigers, behind. good tap on UP's new coach, Joe Lipa, for the two point win over UST. i also saw, only today, ateneo for the first time. i was not expecting them to win over UP because i thought that ateneo got a weaker lineup with the departure of l.a. tenorio. was it al hussaini who had a 'fro at the opening of last season? he played well today and he was tall. (where is parallelism, man?) chris tiu's back and i really cannot forget what he did when they played with dlsu two seasons ago. the missed lay-up coming from a steal of l.a. ok. enough of that. reyes got the number of l.a. , oh! he has the right. the jersey's not retired. well i hope the number's got the skills of l.a. (it seems that i'm not over with l.a.) intal's utilizing the privelege of five years playing in the UAAP. is he now the king Eagle? i guess so. but he must prove that he deserves it. one thing i noticed from watching the UAAP is that they're very fond of travelling. i'll always laugh at them as they commit turnovers due to travelling. ehehe my problem's not yet solved. which side UP or Ateneo? here's the catch. why i loved them both. i was frustrated at studying at those schools. though i passed acet, i have to choose UA&P. because it's all about you. (labo man!) go dragons! ahaha

Sunday, July 09, 2006

help me with the title

I don't care if Monday's blueTuesday's grey and Wednesday tooThursday I don't care about youIt's Friday, I'm in loveMonday you can fall apartTuesday, Wednesday break my heartThursday doesn't even startIt's Friday I'm in loveSaturday, waitAnd Sunday always comes too lateBut Friday, never hesitate...I don't care if Mondays blackTuesday, Wednesday - heart attackThursday, never looking backIt's Friday, I'm in loveMonday, you can hold your headTuesday, Wednesday stay in bedOr Thursday - watch the walls insteadIt's Friday, I'm in loveSaturday, waitAnd Sunday always comes too lateBut Friday, never hesitate...Dressed up to the eyesIt's a wonderful surpriseTo see your shoes and your spirits riseThrowing out your frownAnd just smiling at the soundAnd as sleek as a shriekSpinning round and roundAlways take a big biteIt's such a gorgeous sightTo see you eat in the middle of the nightYou can never get enoughEnough of this stuffIt's Friday, I'm in loveI don't care if Monday's blueTuesday's grey and Wednesday tooThursday I don't care about youIt's Friday, I'm in loveMonday you can fall apartTuesday, Wednesday break my heartThursday doesn't even startIt's Friday I'm in love


how jologs of me. can't help but relate.

anyway, i just made another post on my another blog. i was inspired by my experience a while ago.

the scenery was kinda true but that man wasn't.

oh, btw, i was soaked by this heavy saturday rain. i was pissed off because of that. i was wet, very wet after i played basketball with my blockmates at school.

also. i made a post on july, the month when i had no post a year ago.

to avoid plagarism, the song's lyrics's from