Tuesday, October 17, 2006

sembreak!!! yipee!

according to ua&p student handbook, yesterday was the official semestral break. yeah! ahaha... what's the greatest way to start it? certainly, it's bumming time! so, i started watching the first season of the oc. i bought pirated dvd at carriedo last saturday with jen. i'm still halfway - i know, i'm too slow in watching it. i just want to make the most out of my break. then, i got to meet my hommies. that's how i term them, my friends here in greenheights. actually, they're not from greenheights. relatively, they are. hahaha. then, one of my friends noticed i got thinner and much farer complexion. it's weird of me to wake up very early, just like when i still have class. but, the good thing is i have more time to spend watching tv, surfing the net etc.


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