Saturday, August 27, 2005

time for celebration

hey. actually i was writing a very long one but it was erased for no reason at all. bad trip. but it won't let me down in this celebration. i'm happy right now coz today's the anniversary of our triumphant victory(redundancy check pls) on the digital lg challenge. exactly one year. one year. the hangover is still in my blood running like i drank the liquor of unexplainable joy and significant moment only yesterday. the memory's fresh. questions and answers are still on my head. argghh. paolo's prescence and bianca's uber sexy body. and who could ever forget paolo's question on me. "what's your breakfast?" he said. "longganisa sa mcdo" i answered. "hindi namin sponsor yan." he fooled around. i don't know what to say. but actually, we really ate at mcdo. longganisa meal. and a pancake meal too. that was my breakfast. and enough of that. ahh. sadly we were not able to celebrate it well. people don't have money. corren was not even with us to spend the time with. or should i say, she replied no to their favor of her going with us. and by the way, she won the contest. brought home the cash and the bacon and the honor. i really don't know what to say. it's all due to losing my supposedly long and full of memories post. yeah. happy anniversary!!! thank you to all, coaches, fellow lg boys and girls, paolo and bianca, and people who watched the contest. thanks. ehehe, as if i'm the winner. congrats marisci for bringing the bacon home, last year.


Blogger asleepinchalkoutlines said...

naalala mo paba ito men..


arjay: gondola...(tama ba ung spelling?)


arjay: VENICE


todo exposure..

tska may sagot na pala ako sa katanungan mo...


nice post

8:14 PM


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