Tuesday, October 31, 2006


today's the second day of enlisting subjects for next sem's schedule. though our computer's fixed or not, i will still be here, netspeed, doing this thing. certainly, it's because our internet's too slow and i don't have enough patience enlisting using internet that is really slow. anyway, last saturday, i got to meet my high school buddies. ben and finney. i was included to their celebration of ending their first sem. what way can we celebrate it better but with eating shawarma. our fave food as of the moment. special shawarma, they call it, but ultra shawarma, i say. and then, shawarma rice. also, it was a good thing that we decided to visit shoe expo at cubao. nice artworks. i now have more graphic studios/artists to name. ahaha. unfortunately, i wasn't able to see a gallery of photos. to save the frustration, i also now know where the nearest team manila t-shirt sold. ahaha. electrolychee. uber cool name. also, guadakomeda. (spell check.)


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